The only officially university-supported team chemistry challenge in the United States

Hosted by the Chemistry Department of the Washington University in St. Louis

On-site sharing of STEM career development by university chemistry professor

4 rounds fostering teamwork and leadership skills

For students in grades 9-12,Teams of 6 participants

Date: Dec. 20th - 21st, 2024


The Washington University Chemistry Tournament (WUCT) is a high school team chemistry challenge hosted by the Chemistry Department of Washington University in St. Louis. With a history spanning 8 years since its inception in 2016, WUCT is the only university-endorsed team chemistry challenge in the United States and has garnered considerable popularity. Locally in the United States,Due to limited participation slots, the organizing committee will select 50 teams composed of high school students in grades 9-12 based on their performance in previous years from the applying schools. Each team consists of 6 members. WUCT questions are based on AP Chemistry topics, aiming to bridge the gap between high school and college-level science courses by engaging chemistry enthusiasts in collaborative exploration through innovative and engaging challenges.

WUCT emphasizes real-world applications of science and encourages problem-solving and teamwork skills, making it a rare group activity in the field of chemistry. The challenge consists of four segments: an individual round, a topic round, a team round, and a relay-style (“Breaking Bonds”) round. WUCT aims to help students discover their ability to apply chemical knowledge and solve problems, focusing on real-world scenarios and advanced applications of chemistry. Students engage in diverse and cutting-edge challenge topics to enhance their understanding of chemistry, foster teamwork, and uncover their unique potential. Each year, WUCT announces topics, and the challenges and segments are designed around the topics, allowing students to not only participate in the challenges but also explore further into the forefront of chemistry

WUCT Annual Chemistry Topics

WUCT Chemistry Challenge Section

Chemistry Carnival Section

The Chemistry Carnival consists of multiple mini chemistry challenges. Test your speed and intellect, make new friends while having fun with chemistry! Complete challenges and collect badges for a chance to win prizes.

Application Lecture



Individual Awards:
Individual Round:
· Top 10
· Gold Award: Top 10%
· Silver Award: Top 30%
· Bronze Award: Top 60%

Topic Round:
· Top 1 for each topic
· Gold Award: Top 10%
· Silver Award: Top 30%
· Bronze Award: Top 60%

Team Round:
· Top 3
· Gold Award: Top 10%
· Silver Award: Top 30%
· Bronze Award: Top 60%

Breaking Bonds Round:
· Top 3
· Gold Award: Top 10%
· Silver Award: Top 30%
· Bronze Award: Top 60%

Team Awards:
Overall Team Total:

  • Top 3
  • Gold Award: Top 10%
  • Silver Award: Top 30%
  • Bronze Award: Top 60%

*Team total scores are calculated as follows: (0.15 x the average of the individual exam scores) + (0.15 x the average of the topic exam scores) + (0.40 x the team exam score) + (0.30 x (the team’s Breaking Bonds score/the highest Breaking Bonds score)) = Team Total Score

Registration Details

Date:Dec. 21st - 22nd, 2024
Location: Beijing, China (TBD)
Eligibility: Grades 9-12 (up to 2 students from 9th grade per team)
Participant: Team participation, teams of 6 members (at least 3 members per team)
Registration Deadline: Dec. 20th, 2024

Exam Centers

ASDAN EPQ Scholarship







Noted:The ASDAN Scholarship is only available to Year 10, 11 and 12 students for participating ASDAN Extended Project Qualification(EPQ). EPQ is recommended by the G5 group and many leading universities as a competitive academic experience. Scholarships cannot be exchanged for cash. For further details see:


1. Can the students bring a calculator ?
Students can bring a basic calculator (without any equation editor and program functions).

2. Can the students bring a dictionary ?
The students can bring a printed version dictionary.

3. Refund policy
If, for some reason, the student is unable to attend after paying the fee, please contact us. If you apply before the registration deadline, 25% of the registration fee will be deducted as academic materials and service fees. If you apply after the registration deadline, no refund will be given.
Northern ContactNorthern Region:Beijing、Tianjin、Heilongjiang、Jilin、Liaoning、 Heibei、Inner Mongolia、Shanxi、Shandong
Eastern China ContactEastern Region:Shanghai、Zhejiang、Jiangsu
Central China ContactCentral Region:Henan
Southern China ContactSouthern Region:Guangdong、Guangxi、Fujian、Hainan、Hongkong、Macao、Taiwan
Western China ContactWestern Region:Chongqing、Sichuan、Yunnan、Guizhou、Shaanxi、Gansu、Qinghai、Tibet、Ningxia、Xinjiang
Central China ContactCentral Region:Hunan、Hubei、Anhui、Jiangxi