Canada Jay Mathematical Competition
Hosted by Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) - one of the world’s leading authorities in math
High interest and building students’ problem solving skills
Problems with an increasing level of difficulty
over 55% winning rate
Bilingual exam
Date: Nov. 22, 2024 (Friday) 17:00-18:30 (90 mins)

Canada Jay Mathematical Competition (CJMC) is a new Canadian math challenge for students in grades 5-8. This challenge has been created by mathematicians from across Canada. The problems are meant to be a fun fall activity for students and teachers to complement their math curriculum and build students’ problem solving skills. The CMGC will offer engaging problems that will allow for discussion after the competition and get students excited about math.
Official website:
Chinese and English
Nov. 22, 2024 (Friday)17:00-18:30 (90 min)
Individual written test
Grade 5-8
Probability, Geometry and Symmetry, Exponents and Order of Operations, Algebra Sequences and series, Patterns, Simple counting problems, Elementary number theory (primes, composites, greatest common factor, least common multiple), Ratio, Rate and Percent, Data Analysis (interpreting bar and pie graphs), Integers and Fractions
Types of Problems
3 blocks of 5 multiple choice questions with an increasing level of difficulty
Paper-based in partnering school
Global Awards(Based on the total participants)
- Gold Award - International
- Silver Award - International
- Bronze Award - International
- Honour Roll - International
- Performance with Distinction
- Performance with Honours
Global Awards(based on the specific grade)
- Gold Award - International Grade X
- Silver Award - International Grade X
- Bronze Award - International Grade X
- Honour Roll - International Grade X
* Students who won the grade-specific award will not be awarded Performance with Distinction and Performance with Honours though they meet the cut-off score.
Registration Details
Including the exam, grading, proctor fee, past-papers, certificates, offline reference materials/one-time online mock test, etc.
Nov. 11, 2024
Performance Report/Award List
Click here to view the claim