American Computer Science League (ACSL)
Computer Science. | Computer Science. | High School | Math & Programming. | Middle School | Primary School

One of the oldest computer science Challenges with 47 years of history
Approved by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP)
Authenticated by the Computer Science Teachers Association
Sponsored by Google, ADOBE and other advanced technology companies
Based on cumulative team scores, top teams are invited to ACSL ALL-Star
4 different levels suitable for students from Grade 3 to 12
Past papers are available for preparation
December, 2024 – August, 2025… Read More

The Oxford University Computing Challenge (OUCC)
Computer Science. | Computer Science. | High School | Math & Programming. | Middle School | Primary School

The Oxford University Computing Challenge (OUCC) Introduction Challenge Rules OUCC Syllabus Age group differences 2023 Final Statistics FAQ

Junior Science Olympiad Exam (JSOE)
Computer Science. | High School | Middle School | Science.

Hosted by Australian Science Innovations (ASI)
A comprehensive Olympiad Exam covering a variety of science subjects
Improving students’ ability to utilize overall knowledge
Open to students from Grade 7 to Grade 10
Bilingual exam… Read More