Washington University Chemistry Tournament (WUCT)
Chemistry. | 人文、语言与艺术

Washington University Chemistry Tournament (WUCT) Introduction Annual topics Challenge Section Carnival Section Professor Classroom Agenda Awards Registration Details Learning Resources 元素周期表 考试入口 答题册上传 答题册下载 The only officially university-supported team chemistry challenge in the United States Hosted by the Chemistry Department … Read More

International Chemistry Quiz (ICQ)
Chemistry. | Chemistry.

International Chemistry Quiz Introduction Participants Distribution Rules & Awards Registration Details Recommondations FAQs 考试入口 下载元素周期表   International Chemistry Quiz (ICQ) 1Join over 100,000 students from 21 countries and regions1Founded in 1982 by the Royal Australian Chemical InstituteInspirationInspired students to pursue … Read More

Cambridge Chemistry Challenge(C3L6)
Chemistry. | High School

Cambridge Chemistry Challenge (C3L6) Introduction Rules Requirements Sample Problems FAQ Learning Resources 元素周期表 考试入口 答题册上传 答题册下载 One of most prestigious Chemistry competition in the world Hosted by the Department of Chemistry and St. Catherine’s College, University of Cambridge Highly recommended … Read More

Canadian Chemistry Contest (CCC&CCO)
Chemistry. | High School

Hosted by the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC)
Global top students compete together for awards
Stimulate competitors’ enthusiasm for chemistry
CCC awarded students are invited to the Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (CCO)
Gain advantages applying for STEM majors in top universities
CCC Date: Apr. 24, 2024 (Wed.) 17:00-18:00 (60 mins)
CCO Camp Date: July, 2025 (TBD)
CCO Date: Sept. 7, 2024 (Sat.) 14:00-16:00 (120 mins)… Read More

The Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (JCCO)
Chemistry. | Chemistry. | High School | Middle School

The Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (JCCO) Introduction Challenge Rules Registration Details FAQ 考试入口/Exam Entry Periodic Table Learning Resources Hosted by the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) Canada’s premier national chemistry competition mainly for middle school students Stimulate competitors’ enthusiasm for … Read More

Australian Science Olympiads-Chemistry (ASOC)
Chemistry. | High School

Hosted by Australian Science Innovation (ASI)
The Australian Science Olympiad Competition – Chemistry is the toughest chemistry exam in Australia
It is rewarding opportunity for high school students to challenge and extend themselves way beyond the chemistry they are taught at school
Every students sitting the exam is awarded a certificate indicating their achievemen
Date:Oct. 19, 2024 (Saturday) 9:20-11:30am (130 min)… Read More

UK Chemistry Olympiad (UKChO)
Chemistry. | High School

The UK Chemistry Olympiad (UKChO) Introduction Challenge Rules Requirements Sample Problems FAQ 答题册上传 答题册下载 考试入口 Learning Resources The most prestigious chemistry competition for high school students in UK Administered by the Royal Society of Chemistry – one of the world’s … Read More