BioOlympiad Initiative USA-China (BIO USACN)

BioOlympiad Initiative USA-China Introduction Challenge Rules Sample Problems FAQ 考试入口 草稿纸上传 Win an advantage when applying for top science universities More than 10,000 students participate every year in the US Outstanding students will have the chance to attend top science … Read More

CAP High School Prize Exam (CAP)

CAP High School Prize Exam (CAP) Introduction Challenge Rules Requirements Sample Problems FAQ 考试入口 答题册下载 答案上传 Hosted by Canadian Association of Physicists Premier Canadian Physicics Challenge Emphasized on logical and creative thinking Awards are highly recognised by Canadian and North … Read More

American Regions Mathematics League (ARML)

American Regions Mathematics League (ARML) Introduction ARML and AMC Coach and Participants Requirements Sample Problems Power R1/R2 FAQ 考试入口 ARML LOCAL ROUNDDate:Oct. 28, 2023 (Saturday) 14:00-14:45(exam time: 45mins) ARML Local Date:Apr. 21, 2024 (Sunday) 14:00-16:50 Introduction Since its inception in … Read More

Canadian Chemistry Contest (CCC&CCO)

Hosted by the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC)
Global top students compete together for awards
Stimulate competitors’ enthusiasm for chemistry
CCC awarded students are invited to the Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (CCO)
Gain advantages applying for STEM majors in top universities
CCC Date: Apr. 24, 2024 (Wed.) 17:00-18:00 (60 mins)
CCO Camp Date: July, 2025 (TBD)
CCO Date: Sept. 7, 2024 (Sat.) 14:00-16:00 (120 mins)… Read More

(mini) Math Tournament at Berkeley(BmMT)

(mini) Math Tournament at Berkeley(BmMT) Spotlight Introduction Rules Agenda Awards Sample Problems Moments Registration FAQs Results Inquiry and Certificate(s) DownloadScore Inquiry and Certificate(s) DownloadThe results have been published. Please scan the QR code to log in to the ASDAN applet, … Read More

Sir Isaac Newton Exam (SIN)

Sir Isaac Newton Exam (SIN) Introduction Challenge Rules Requirements Sample Problems FAQ Learning Resources 考试入口 One of the most influential physics contests for high school students in Canada Hosted by the Physics & Astronomy Department of the University of Waterloo … Read More

Big Science Competition (BSC)

Big Science Competition (BSC) Introduction Challenge Rules Requirements Sample Problems FAQ 考试入口/Exam Entry Hosted by Australian Science Innovations (ASI)- premier provider of innovative and challenging science programs One of the world’s largest in-school science challenges,almost 450,000 participants every year The … Read More

About US

ASDAN Introduction Vision and Values Development Key Facts Join us About us CEO Notes ASDAN’s mission is to support the personal, social and vocational development of young people. We believe in a broad education that develops skills for learning, life … Read More